Welcome to Svelte Flatpickr Plus

Flatpickr is a lightweight and powerful datetime picker. Svelte Flatpickr Plus is a wrapper for Flatpickr with some extra features.

What is difference from Svelte Flatpickr ?


Svelte Flatpickr Plus coming with 4 actions

Basic Usage

Date Picker


<input use:datePicker placeholder="please select date" readonly />

Month Picker


<input use:monthPicker placeholder="please select month" readonly />

Date Range Picker


<input use:dateRangePicker placeholder="please select date range" readonly />

Month Range Picker


<input use:monthRangePicker placeholder="please select month range" readonly />


Config Option Default Type Description
allowInput true Boolean Allows the user to enter a date directly input the input field. By default, direct entry is disabled.
allowInvalidPreload false Boolean Allow preloading of invalid date.
altFormat "F j, Y" String Exactly the same as date format, but for the altInput field.
altInput false Boolean Show the user a readable date (as per altFormat), but return something totally different to the server.
altInputClass null String This class will be added to the input element created by the altInput option. Note that altInput already inherits classes from the original input.
ariaDateFormat "F j, Y" String Defines how the date will be formatted in the aria-label for calendar days, using the same tokens as dateFormat. If you change this, you should choose a value that will make sense if a screen reader reads it out loud.
autoFillDefaultTime true Boolean Whether the default time should be auto-filled when the input is empty and gains or loses focus.
clickOpens true Boolean Whether clicking on the input should open the picker. Set it to false if you only want to open the calendar programmatically.
closeOnSelect true Boolean Whether calendar should close after date selection.
conjunction ", " String If "mode" is "multiple", this string will be used to join selected dates together for the date input value.
dateFormat "Y-m-d" String A string of characters which are used to define how the date will be displayed in the input box. (See supported format)
defaultDate null Date | string | number The initial selected date(s).
defaultHour 12 Number Initial value of the hour element, when no date is selected.
defaultMinute 0 Number Initial value of the minute element, when no date is selected.
defaultSeconds 0 Number Initial value of the seconds element, when no date is selected.
disable [] Date | string | number | function Disables certain dates, preventing them from being selected. (See detail of enabling & disabling dates)
disableMobile true Boolean Set this to true to always use the non-native picker on mobile devices. (By default is set to true to off a mobile mode for working with month plugin & year dropdown plugin)
enable [] Date | string | number | function Disables all dates except these specified. (See detail of enabling & disabling dates)
enableSeconds false Boolean Enables seconds selection in the time picker.
enableTime false Boolean Enables the time picker.
inline false Boolean Displays the calendar inline.
locale "default" LocaleKey | Partial<CustomLocale> The locale, either as a string (e.g. "ru", "en") or as an object. (See Localization)
maxDate null Date | string | number The maximum date that a user can pick to (inclusive) and this will extended a maximum year you can select in year dropdown if it greater than current year.
maxTime null Date | string | number The maximum time that a user can pick to (inclusive).
minDate null Date | string | number The minimum date that a user can start picking from (inclusive).
minTime null Date | string | number The minimum time that a user can start picking from (inclusive).
minuteIncrement 5 number Adjusts the step for the minute input (incl. scrolling).
monthSelectorType "dropdown" "dropdown" | "static" How the month selector in the calendar should be shown.
position "auto" "auto" | "above" | "below" | "auto left" | "auto center" | "auto right" | "above left" | "above center" | "above right" | "below left" | "below center" | "below right" How the calendar should be positioned with regards to the input.
positionElement undefined HTMLElement The element to use as the position reference for the calendar.
shorthandCurrentMonth false Boolean Enables the use of shorthand for the current month.
static false Boolean Enables the calendar to be displayed statically.
time_24hr false Boolean Enables the use of 24-hour time format.
weekNumbers false Boolean Enables the display of week numbers.
wrap false Boolean Custom elements and input groups
useLocaleYear false Boolean Enables the use of the locale-specific year format.(e.g. Buddhist Era)
resetMoveDefault true Boolean On resets the calendar, move a calendar back to the default date/time.
resetToDefault true Boolean On resets the calendar, set the default date/time to input element.